Ebbert Fitness Fun

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Fitness Fun!

Well, actually I don't find it all that fun, but I would sure like to. I'm so glad you sent the invite for us all to join separately so we can tell who is posting what.

Here's my update. I'm celebrating the fact that I did NOT gain any weight during out 3 week vacation! Hooray! This is definitely worth celebrating considering that I gained about 8 or more pounds on our 5 week jaunt to the midwest for Todd's rotation at Mayo.

I also finally hopped on our treadmill yesterday, and am hoping to continue that. Here's to hoping... Good luck everyone!


Blogger Tammy said...

Congrats to you on NOT gaining weight. That really is an accomplishment, considering much of the time you were gone, other people were deciding what you ate.

Hey, what kind of treadmill do you have? We have been wanting to get one, but were surprised that many of them are over $1,000. We saw some cheaper ones at Wal-mart, but weren't sure if the quality would be worth buying one. Any hints or help in the treadmill department would be good.

18/4/06 6:43 PM  
Blogger Auntie Ann said...

Thanks for joining the not so fun. I think the hardest thing about weight is you can't always predict when you will gain and lose. Surviving a vacation with out a gain is a great way to start!

18/4/06 7:16 PM  

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