Ebbert Fitness Fun

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

My Report

Over the last couple months I have been making efforts at exercising more and doing better on my eating. Even though I haven't had huge amounts of pounds come off, I still feel like I have made improvements. I'm still inconsistent with doing big workouts, but have made a lot of progress in adding a lot of extra movement into my day - like walking Alia to Preschool and back instead of driving her in the car, and going on a walk for 10 minutes if that is all that I have, instead of not going because I only have 10 minutes. I'm hoping that all the little things will add up.

When I weighed myself this morning I was down a little more than 3 pounds from the last time I weight in a couple weeks ago. At least it is something! I'm hoping to lose another 5-7 pounds by the end of the month. Wish me luck!


Blogger Tammy said...

Way to go! I think sometimes incremental steps are more effective because they are more likely to stick. Sometimes I still find myself in the mindset that I can just go back to the way I was before, but that is not the case! The changes that I need to make should be life long. It is good that you are feeling good about the changes you have made, I think that goes a long way, and helps you stay motivated.

17/10/06 11:37 AM  
Blogger Auntie Ann said...

Congratulations on finding ways to move more. I really think that is the key, doing things you can keep doing. At least we are all moving in the right direction, no matter how slowly.

18/10/06 8:04 AM  
Blogger Apeface said...

Progress, no matter how small, is still progress. I feel like I really started to gain more weight when I stopped going to college because I wasn't walking around campus all the time. I think putting more movement into your life really can make a big difference.

18/10/06 10:39 AM  

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