Ebbert Fitness Fun

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Weigh in and treadmill

Well I weighed yesterday and I didn't lose anything. I guess i wasn't that surprised. I wasn't quite as careful and we went out to eat 2 or 3 times last week. I also ate 3 rice krispie treats over 2 days. It has made me want to be that much more careful, though, about every little calorie. I still feel hungry a lot, but maybe not quite as hungry. I have also found some things that are low calorie type treats. I have really enjoyed having these TCBY frozen sorbet bars and they only have 80 calories, so sometimes I will eat one of those for my snack. Anyway, I will keep on working on it.

We are excited though. We bought a used treadmill yesterday. I have been watching a bunch of auction sites for one for a couple of weeks. I bought it off of ebay from someone who just lives in Davenport. We paid $150 and are very pleased. It seems to be a pretty high quality treadmill and has some great features. Greg and I got our exercise yesterday from carrying it up the stairs :) We put it in our room in the hopes of being able to not wake the kids in the morning when we no longer have to tip toe down the stairs to exercise. It will also serve as a constant reminder that we need to get on it! I will keep you posted on if we actually use it or not!


Blogger Apeface said...

That's great about the treadmill. Having the right equipment really helps. I don't know if I have already said this, but I think some light weight training would help too. The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism is. Good luck!

16/5/06 12:10 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

That's great! I think I would definitely use a treadmill if we had one. Such a convenient way to exercise, especially when you have so many little ones! Good luck!

16/5/06 3:05 PM  
Blogger Auntie Ann said...

Good Luck! Rick uses our treadmill a lot in the winter. I use it, too, to dry blankets and quilts over. Rick likes to keep ours on an incline and that is pretty hard for me. I'd be willing to bet that he would keep it flat if I promised to use it.

16/5/06 9:39 PM  

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