Ebbert Fitness Fun

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Tammy checking in

Well, it has been a while since I checked in. I was feeling like I was a blog hog for a while so I backed off a bit, but then I have gotten out of the habit of blogging here. I just wanted to report how I have been doing over the last month or so. I have been losing pretty consistently 1 or 2 lbs a week, with the exception of the week we went to Kansas. That week I gained like 2 lbs!! That was enough to get me back on track again. I still do pretty well with my diet. I have noticed that I get fuller much faster now and that I don't crave sweets so often. I have learned to say no, most of the time, which is easier for me than having just a little bit. I did succumb to Mexican Chocolate cake this weekend though. That stuff is so good!! It was Greg's birthday after all!

As far as exercise, I am feeling pretty good about that too. I am loving having a treadmill. It is so convenient. I have been getting on it 3 or 4 times a week. The program I use is 30 minutes with a max of 4 mph and a max incline of 6. I still can't do the whole thing without holding on to the rails, but I feel like it is a good workout for me right now. I still haven't added any strength exercises, but hopefully I will get to that soon. Overall, I have lost about 15 lbs, so I think I can meet my goal of losing 20 before we go out west this summer, at the end of July. I am beginning to approach the weight I was before getting pregnant with Lizzy, which was the last time I was even close to this weight, so that is good. Now if I could ever get down to my weight before Adam, that would be a miracle. I just hope that when we decide to have another baby it doesn't all just pile on again, like it did with Adam (I gained more than 70 lbs.) . Anyway, feeling pretty good. Still need to work on water drinking and strengthening exercises. Happy healthy habits everyone!


Blogger Apeface said...

Sounds like overall you're doing great! You're keeping up with things much better than I am!

20/6/06 1:57 PM  
Blogger Auntie Ann said...

Great job! It is the consistant work that makes the most difference I think. Good for you, for sticking with it. I do think you quit craving things after a while. Now things that are too rich make me feel sick.

20/6/06 8:09 PM  
Blogger Deanna said...

That's so great Tammy. You've made great progress!

20/6/06 8:24 PM  

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