Ebbert Fitness Fun

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

6:30 AM

Here it is Tues. morning early. I have finished my aerobic routine for this morning. I only went 20 minutes, but I will add some weights later today. It is amazing how out of shape I am. The only good thing about that is I should be able to see great improvement as I go along. I exercised Monday as well, so I am well on my way. I woke up at 5AM and couldn't go back to sleep. I will take a little nap mid morning, I am sure. I think the early morning was because I knew I had to get up and exercise or I wouldn't do it. I can't stop now.....I know I can, I know I can, I know I can.


Blogger Apeface said...

Go Aunty Ann! I know you can do it too! I understand the waking up thing. Ever since I have been waking up early to exercise, I can't sleep in any more, even on the weekends! I still feel better exercising than I did before though. You can do it!

6/6/06 8:12 AM  
Blogger GmaGpa said...

I haven't gained but it has taken me as long to lose 5 lbs as it did to lose 30!! I have been goofing off. Snacking more and generally not eating as well. Fortunately the sugar seems to be okay. Ann we're all cheering for you. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!

6/6/06 8:45 AM  

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