Ebbert Fitness Fun

Sunday, June 04, 2006

No more excuses

I am officially done with the 2005-2006 school year! Yahoo!!! Now I need to work on my next big project....getting in shape. I have officially gained back all that I had lost and am starting over again. I will not get discouraged, I will not get discouraged. Again, I am going to set an attainable goal. This week the goal is to get chores organized (I know that is not fitness oriented unless you count mental health) and do exercises five days. I may cut back to 4 depending on how my classes go on Wed/Thur. I am going 8 - 4 for some science classes this week. If I am too tired those days I may cut back those two days. We'll see. I will also carry and drink water. Next week I will add diet, but I'll try one at a time. I will check in on Wed. to give you a progress report.


Blogger Tammy said...

I am so glad to see that you have posted. I haven't posted for a while in the hopes that someone else would. Good luck. I hope having it be summer time will help you . It will at the very least lessen your stress, which is a big trigger for eating, so that is good. I will be checking the blog to see how you are doing.

5/6/06 11:32 AM  
Blogger Deanna said...

Good luck! I haven't been posting because with all of the packing and last time things we are doing here I decided that I just can't concentrate on exercise and diet until we are moved. Otherwise I would be a stress case. So I have allowed myself an "excuse" until we are moved and then I have to jump on the bandwagon!

5/6/06 12:21 PM  

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