Ebbert Fitness Fun

Monday, July 03, 2006

Really close

I weighed this morning and I am REALLY close to my 20 lb. goal that I set. We have an analog scale, and not a digital, so it is hard to tell exactly, but I figure I am less than a lb. away. It is pretty exciting. Once I reach that then I will have lost not quite 10% of my body weight and weigh the least that I have weighed in over 4 years. I have been feeling frustrated and tired of always thinking about what I eat. Sometimes I see what everyone around me "gets" to eat, and I even feel deprived. Being so close to this milestone is fantastic though! I think I can keep going and I hope that eventually all of this will be second nature to me. I feel like some things are getting that way, which is good. Also, I still do have treats sometimes, just smaller and fewer of them. I am going to buy myself some Crocs as a reward. I can't wait 'til I start needing new clothes. I have been able to fit into some of mine better, and someone finally noticed, besides my family, that I am losing weight. I could have kissed the lady!

On the exercise front. I am doing the treadmill 4 days a week, and this past week I was able to do my program without holding on to the rails, 3 of the 4 days. I feel like I am improving. The only thing I don't like is that the more weight I lose, the fewer calories I burn with each workout. Our treadmill has a calorie counter that makes that very clear. I know that it will help boost my metabolism though. Anyway, I am proud of myself!! (Did I actually say that?) I hope I can keep it up! I hope you all are doing well too.


Blogger Deanna said...

Yippee!!! Congratulations, Tammy! That is so awesome. 20 pounds is a huge milestone and you definitely should be proud of yourself. And you even have met your goal ahead of schedule! Great job - I'm proud of you!

3/7/06 12:14 PM  
Blogger Todd said...

CONGRATS!! That's fantastic and takes tons of work and willpower.

3/7/06 3:03 PM  
Blogger GmaGpa said...

Congratulations!!! That does feel good doesn't it. Makes the whole thing worth while. You do get over feeling like all you do is think of food. For me the feelings of deprivation sort of come and go. Occasionally (like last Friday) I splurge and then get back on track. All in all I feel SOOOmuch better it really keeps the motivation going.

3/7/06 4:56 PM  
Blogger Auntie Ann said...

Yeah Tammy! It is so nice to reach a goal, and a big one at that. You keep me trying. I am planning on getting your book this week. What was it again?

4/7/06 5:24 PM  

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