Ebbert Fitness Fun

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Back in the game!

I just wanted to post that I am officially in the game now. Now that I have had my baby and am 2 weeks postpartum, it's time to work on losing my baby weight. Today I took the girls on a walk for about 45 minutes. It was pretty mild, but it felt good and is better than nothing. My focus for now is exercise because I think the food part is much harder. However, I do have challenges. We only have 1 car still and it isn't really worth it to load up 2 kids to take Shane to work and go somewhere (and I don't know where I'd go anyway!). And although the weather is great today, I'm afraid of it getting too cold soon. So, I will walk when the weather is nice but I think I will try to find a work out video I like and do that. That will be the easiest way for me to exercise since we don't have any machines at our house. Hopefully I am still losing some weight by just nursing and time, but I think it stopped. No one told me I would have trouble this time! I didn't with Kathryn so I thought I would be lucky still... anyway, I will try to post somewhat regularly with my updates! Oh, and for the record, I have about 20 lbs I need to lose. I'm not looking forward to this journey!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Tammy I am so proud of you. That has to be at least twice as hard when you are feeding a family! I have lost those few pounds I gained. Not sure if its the veggies and water or just less stress. (at least its less for me) Because of my cataract surgery and some other things we haven't exercised in a week and a half. Hopefuly we can get back to that next week and firm up what we can of this skin.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The end of October

Well the end of October has come and gone. My goal was to lose 20 more lbs. by the end of October for a total of 40 lbs. When I weighed in yesterday, I missed my goal by 1-2 lbs. I am not devastated that I didn't reach my goal. It's still pretty good. I would have liked to have made it, but.... I think it is something that has not been on my mind as much, and I haven't been as careful. I will have to think about more conciously to move it up in my mind. I am feeling a little worried about the holidays. There are so many yummy things to eat. Today, I have already had some candy from the Halloween loot. I don't want to let things go too much though. I would really like to lose 20 more lbs. I have gone down 2 pant sizes and can shop in the normal section, instead of women's, again. I finally had to buy some pants because all mine were way too big (I did buy them at Goodwill though). I just hope I can keep it up. I haven't weighed this little, since I was pregnant with Adam and on my way up. I think my next goal will be to lose 10 lbs. before Jan. 1. I think that is pretty reasonable and hopefully will help me stay good during the holidays. Keep blogging. I love reading your posts!