Ebbert Fitness Fun

Friday, June 23, 2006

not too bad

Usually when I don't post it is because I have not done well. This time it is just because things are crazy around here again. I didn't reach my goal of 5 days of exercise, but I did do four, which is four more than normal. I am also on track for this week. I have having some difficulty drinking 2 quarts of water. I will keep working on that. My new goal to add is to make the exercise sessions longer. Now I count 15 to 20 minutes as good. I will move that up to 25 - 30 for this week. I will keep plugging away.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Good Job

Doesn't each pound lost give you incentive!!! I've been a a plateau for a couple of months. Finally lost a pound and feel like I can do it again. Not gaining weight is a comfort when every thing you've done should have added some. I'm not good at exercise except the water aerobics 3X'a a week, which keep getting put off for RS. As Tammy said, I don't have as much of a sweet tooth-but it can come back when I'm not careful. Also I do get full faster! Keep up the good work everybody.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

D Checking In

Well, it's been forever since I posted because I decided to take a hiatus during the process of our move, etc. Now that we're in La Crosse and making good progress on getting settled I plan to jump back in to things and lose some weight! The one thing I have to celebrate is that I didn't really gain any weight during the last month, which is pretty much a major miracle in and of itself. We have eaten out soooo much during that time with visitors, graduation, moving and getting settled. And my exercise (at least in the form of intentional exercise) has been pretty much zero.

Hopefully this week we can finish things up on the house and get out schedules figured out so that I can plan a time for exercise and plan menus, etc. Keep up the good work everyone!

Tammy checking in

Well, it has been a while since I checked in. I was feeling like I was a blog hog for a while so I backed off a bit, but then I have gotten out of the habit of blogging here. I just wanted to report how I have been doing over the last month or so. I have been losing pretty consistently 1 or 2 lbs a week, with the exception of the week we went to Kansas. That week I gained like 2 lbs!! That was enough to get me back on track again. I still do pretty well with my diet. I have noticed that I get fuller much faster now and that I don't crave sweets so often. I have learned to say no, most of the time, which is easier for me than having just a little bit. I did succumb to Mexican Chocolate cake this weekend though. That stuff is so good!! It was Greg's birthday after all!

As far as exercise, I am feeling pretty good about that too. I am loving having a treadmill. It is so convenient. I have been getting on it 3 or 4 times a week. The program I use is 30 minutes with a max of 4 mph and a max incline of 6. I still can't do the whole thing without holding on to the rails, but I feel like it is a good workout for me right now. I still haven't added any strength exercises, but hopefully I will get to that soon. Overall, I have lost about 15 lbs, so I think I can meet my goal of losing 20 before we go out west this summer, at the end of July. I am beginning to approach the weight I was before getting pregnant with Lizzy, which was the last time I was even close to this weight, so that is good. Now if I could ever get down to my weight before Adam, that would be a miracle. I just hope that when we decide to have another baby it doesn't all just pile on again, like it did with Adam (I gained more than 70 lbs.) . Anyway, feeling pretty good. Still need to work on water drinking and strengthening exercises. Happy healthy habits everyone!

Monday, June 12, 2006


Well, I have been exercising, just not consistenly. One thing that will help is that I got new running shoes. I had to stop running for a little while because my heels hurt so bad, but these new running shoes help a lot. My goal is almost the same as Aunty's Ann. I need to run all five days this week and not just pick and choose what days I want to run. Wish me luck!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

I did it!

OK, one week down. I exercised 5 days this week. My goal for the coming week is five exercise days and 8 glasses of water each day. The water will probably be harder for me than the exercise, but I know it makes me feel better.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Sometimes I say too much

Sometimes I am quiet for long periods of time and then sometimes I just won't shut up (does that count in blogs?) My friend asked me to go with her to Coldstone today for some of the world's best ice cream. I haven't been there for ages and was looking forward to it. I have to say that it made me sick. I just don't eat stuff that is that rich any more and I can't handle very much of it. I think that is a good step. Lately I often wish I had just had an apple or something instead of anything rich I may have eaten. Now I just need to get my head in line with my stomach.
PS I need all your new addresses because Ryan Gildersleeve is getting married and would like to send you invitations (yes, they know you can't come).
Love, Me

6:30 AM

Here it is Tues. morning early. I have finished my aerobic routine for this morning. I only went 20 minutes, but I will add some weights later today. It is amazing how out of shape I am. The only good thing about that is I should be able to see great improvement as I go along. I exercised Monday as well, so I am well on my way. I woke up at 5AM and couldn't go back to sleep. I will take a little nap mid morning, I am sure. I think the early morning was because I knew I had to get up and exercise or I wouldn't do it. I can't stop now.....I know I can, I know I can, I know I can.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

No more excuses

I am officially done with the 2005-2006 school year! Yahoo!!! Now I need to work on my next big project....getting in shape. I have officially gained back all that I had lost and am starting over again. I will not get discouraged, I will not get discouraged. Again, I am going to set an attainable goal. This week the goal is to get chores organized (I know that is not fitness oriented unless you count mental health) and do exercises five days. I may cut back to 4 depending on how my classes go on Wed/Thur. I am going 8 - 4 for some science classes this week. If I am too tired those days I may cut back those two days. We'll see. I will also carry and drink water. Next week I will add diet, but I'll try one at a time. I will check in on Wed. to give you a progress report.