Ebbert Fitness Fun

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Checking in

Well, I am not 100% committed yet and I know that will really make a big difference. I have however, made a few little changes (or I'm trying to) that have helped a little bit. I wouldn't say that we eat really healthy, but I don't feel like we eat bad either. The only time I have gained weight in our marriage was when pregnant! Shane has gained some, but he needed it... and he has been the same weight for awhile now (I think). Anyway, we do like chocolate and sweets, but we don't eat them too often. But, I have really cut back on my intake, little as it may be. I would eat a bite of chocolate after a meal here and there. But I'm trying to stop that, at least until I can get the weight off. I have been trying to eat smaller portions in my meals. I can't cut back too much because while nursing I am still almost as hungry as when pregnant, but I can cut back some. I also have been working out 2-3 times a week... which isn't much, but it's better than nothing. The weather has been nicer so I'm hoping to go on walks with the girls too. Like I said, I am not totally committed, but with those little changes, I have lost 2-3 lbs. So if that's enough to help me, I will be ecstatic. I would like to exercise a little more (hopefully walking the other days) and incorporate more fruits and veggies in our meals.

That seemed really random, I hope it made sense to everyone.

I think it's time for an update from everybody else! (besides D who updated us recently!)

Monday, February 05, 2007

End of the Month Report

So, overall I was happy with my progress in January. I lost a total of 7 lbs. and was successful in creating my habit of consistent exercise. This is definitely the most consistent I have been in many years. I achieved my goal of doing 35-40 minutes of cardio 4-5 times/week. Between Todd and myself, we are definitely getting our money's worth out of our elliptical.

This month I am hoping to improve in the healthy eating category. It's funny because I actually feel very good about the way my family eats as far as meals, snacks, etc. Everything I buy for meals and snacks is generally ultra-healthy. We only eat whole wheat, whole grains, and TONS of fresh fruits and veggies. We don't eat out very much. We drink tons of water (especially Todd and I). Even my kids eat more servings of fruit/veggies in a day than most grown adults. I feel like we do very well in this area. The problems comes in with...yeah, the goodies. I have mentioned before that I love to bake. I enjoy the process, we all love the finished product. So we eat way too many cookies and other treats as a result of this hobby. So we're going to try to cut back in that category. Wish us luck - we'll need it!